Fri, Feb 19, 16

With respect to all:

We were faced with a hard decision when we heard about the Hall of Fame inductions. It was a surprise to us that Steve Morse and Don Airey did not qualify as inductees.

Ian G. Ian P. and Roger G. – decided upon the offer of a compromise which has been agreed with the HoF and enables us to turn up on the night.

DP Inductees will accept the awards and then the living breathing Deep Purple will perform.

It should be stressed that there is no slight intended nor any desire to upset anyone regarding this decision; it is purely a mark of respect to Steve and Don.

I spoke with David Coverdale last week and he expressed complete understanding of the way it was being handled; thanks David you’re a Gent.

Outside of this event there are no circumstances under which a ‘reunion’ could or would take place.

So, let’s all get up there, shake hands, smile for the cameras and get it done with dignity and respect for all the existing and past members of a very special family.
